Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!

Want to know my favorite part of the holidays?

The time off! Duh!

I think this is true for everybody.

So I thought it would be nice to just take a little time to say Happy Holidays, and thanks for your continuing support!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winner of the Coloring Contest!

Congratulations to Vladimir Zanov for submitting the winning art for the coloring contest!
When asked how it felt to be the winner, Vladimir simply said,"Such is life in Moscow."

Wow! What a modest Russian!  I'm sure Mr. Zanov will be enjoying his new preview copy of my next game, The Waiting Game.

Thank you to all who entered their "art" into the contest and better luck next time!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Coloring Contest!

Good luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Something Fun is Coming... But you have to wait...

Enjoy a screenshot of the new game in progress:

You're going to have to WAIT for more information though.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unfortunate News!!!!

Hello everybody.

We have some rather unfortunate news today.  The "Galactic Federation" has halted production on FREAKS! for its "threatening qualities towards the development of Earthly consciousness."  This comes as bad news towards everybody who was expecting the Oct 30th release of FREAKS!  There is light at the end of the tunnel though:  production has already started on a new untitled project.  More info on this later.

Mr. Hexagon

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What are you playing this Halloween?

Coming Soon!  Independently Developed Retro-style Platform Video Game, FREAKS!
The only indie game ergonomically designed to play while eating candy.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Dear Reader,

Hi, I am Mr. Hexagon!  Curiosity has paid off--you have just discovered something awesome.

What's that? Why should you visit Mr. Hexagon's blog?  Well, the main purpose for this blog is to keep you informed with up-to-date information about current projects I am working on.  Secondly--for the moment anyways--this blog will act as the official Mr. Hexagon website as well the location for official announcements.  And then finally, I hope to include opinion pieces, stories, and other fun things as time goes on.  All of these are great reasons to stay tuned! 

You are encouraged to leave comments on the blog, or email me at !  If you hate me, tell me so!  If you love me, tell me why!  What can I fix? How can I provide better information?  I am aiming to create art that can withstand time and I can only do it with your help.

I am really happy to be here and I hope that we can have lots of fun in the future!

Mr. Hexagon