Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tag Robot "Nebraska"

The past couple weeks have been very busy. My my my how my entry for the 20 event competition has grown. What started as a basic back and forth concept has developed into a full fledged chunk of computer history.

The majority of the plot behind the game has been fleshed out and--I don't want to spoil anything, but--scenes from the game are coming soon!

Oh, and by the way, the working title is Tag Robot Nebraska.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Work In Progress

Hi folks,

Official rules here. Only 20 events allowed. Like working in a box. This game is about boxes. Setting is 1977.

The contest is minimal. My entry, too.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Official Screens From The Waiting Game Revealed

Ladies and Gentleman!

As promised the other day, here are some preview screens for your viewing pleasure!

The first screen you will see.

In-game visual.

They are, unfortunately, too large and colorful to fit within the width of this forum without busting the sides, but you can view them by clicking the links. Plus, it makes it more exciting this way!

Hope you enjoy them!

-Mr. Hexagon